
WP8 – Communication and dissemination

Responsible: ENSU, CMCC, Wide Pilot Involved partners: ALL Promotion of project content to stakeholders. Targeted activities are envisaged, with a common strategy, to promote the quality of the project and the final results, highlighting its strengths and peculiarities.  Act.8.1 Implementation of the project communication and dissemination plan, to ensure visibility to SAGAcE activities and results at regional, national and international levels. Act.8.2 Creation and updating of a project website, creation… Read More »WP8 – Communication and dissemination

WP7 – Pilot studies

Responsible: IDS, WidePilot Involved partners: UNISALENTO (DII/DMF), ISALIT, CMCC, ENSU This WP concerns the operational testing of the SAGAcE system through the prototype platforms and demonstrators developed in the previous WPs. Act.7.1: A performance analysis of the individual system functions of the integrated water monitoring system will be performed. The activity will be carried out in collaboration with the Taranto Port Authority, using the water monitoring station updated in the… Read More »WP7 – Pilot studies

WP6 – Water integrated monitoring system

Responsible: WidePilot Involved partner: CMCC, ENSU This WP concerns the implementation of an integrated water monitoring system. Act.6.1: Development of the high resolution model with unstructured grids based on the SHYFEM code. The model will be developed to reach tens of meters resolution in the identified hot spots. The system will use a further innovative approach for the forecasting models based on Topological Data Analysis (TDA). Act.6.2: The SHYFEM model… Read More »WP6 – Water integrated monitoring system

WP5 – Air-soil integrated monitoring system

Responsible: UNISALENTO (DII) Involved partner: IDS, ISALIT This WP concerns the implementation of the platform for input and visualization of data for air and ground monitoring, coming from the WP2 and WP4 sensors; the definition of the models of operational process for airborne missions; DSS implementation for data correlation and decision support; development of methods and algorithms for drone control Act.5.1: The modeling of the aspects related to the aerial… Read More »WP5 – Air-soil integrated monitoring system

WP4 – Air monitoring system

Manager: ISALITPartner coinvolti: UNISALENTO (DMF), IDS This WP concerns the implementation of demonstrators for the aerial detection of IPA, VOC, PM2.5, PM10 hazardous to human health and for calculating air pollution index potentially connected to point sources of pollutants on the ground. It will thus be possible to identify contaminated sites more easily, without preliminary excavation. A4.1: Design and development of a prototype of traps for the detection and measurement… Read More »WP4 – Air monitoring system

WP3 – Monitoring system for coastal waters and for forecasting dispersion and deposit of pollutants along the coast

Responsible: ENSUInvolved partner: CMCC, WidePilot, ISALIT This WP foresees the study and determination of the dispersion of pollutants in the marine environment in order to achieve an integrated management of the coastal space with activities of rapid acting that allow to minimize the impact of human activities. Act.3.1: The Taranto Molo San Cataldo station (which currently only detects some physical-chemical parameters with a commercially available multi-parametric sensor system) will be… Read More »WP3 – Monitoring system for coastal waters and for forecasting dispersion and deposit of pollutants along the coast

WP2 – Soil monitoring system

Responsible: IDS    Involved Partners: CNR IBAM This WP plans to build prototypes (sensors) for the aerial detection of target objects buried or hidden on the ground. Act.2.1: The activity concerns the design and development of a prototype of a system for measurements of the magnetic field and its gradient applicable in inaccessible areas and on board unmanned systems of micro class (<25kg), equipped with a triaxial sensor system and data… Read More »WP2 – Soil monitoring system

WP1 – Project Management

Responsible: Wide PilotInvolved partners: ALL Within SAGAcE project, each partner has appointed a project manager of the company/research organization that guarantees the quality and correct execution of the outputs within the established time frame. An Advisory Board is also formed, composed of PMs responsible for the various components of SAGAcE that: i) verifies the quality of the outputs produced by each partner; ii) manages the project for the resolution of… Read More »WP1 – Project Management