Responsible: ENSU, CMCC, Wide Pilot
Involved partners: ALL
Promotion of project content to stakeholders. Targeted activities are envisaged, with a common strategy, to promote the quality of the project and the final results, highlighting its strengths and peculiarities.
Act.8.1 Implementation of the project communication and dissemination plan, to ensure visibility to SAGAcE activities and results at regional, national and international levels.
Act.8.2 Creation and updating of a project website, creation of social pages dedicated to the project. Creation of a project information brochure to be distributed by the partners and during dissemination events.
Act.8.3 Organization of an event with sector stakeholders from Puglia (companies, universities, public authorities) and a dissemination and cross-fertilization event with the Apulian Cluster “MARINE” (Interdisciplinary multi-sector Apulian Network for innovation technology, scientific research and the development of marine and maritime services).
Act.8.4 Implementation of a public information campaign on environmental issues relating to SAGAcE.
Act.8.5. Production of a video presenting results of SAGAcE project